Monday, July 27, 2009

A New Day

Sorry, friends, that I have been MIA. Been a little busy, to say the least. Not only with being a single mom, but also with play dates and dinners. Last week was truly a blessing. Yes, I was running around like my hair was on fire. And yes, I forgot to strap Ms. K into her car seat once (I only drove down our street until I heard the "Uh oh, mommy!" Never said I was perfect.) But we had so much to do, that we did not have a spare minute to obsess about missing Daddy Land. I want to thank all the friends that took time out of their days and nights to hang out with our little orphaned family. It warms our hearts to know just how many people have our back right now. BIG HUG!!!!!

In the midst of the first week Daddy Land was gone (when I wrote this sad little blog) I managed to snap a few pics of my darling girls. Right before I took these, I was having a "moment" of feeling extremely sorry for myself. These two little girls made me smile, just when I thought I would never stop crying. See for yourself.

This is Ms. K with her semi-mullet showing off her lovely new dentures given to her by a friend I won't mention. Thanks friend. Not the most flattering photo of my baby girl.

Here is Ms. M, always the lady, reading a potty book with sunglasses. Notice the blinds are shut behind her.

As I said, last week went well. This week we are off to a solid start. Ms. M has YMCA camp all week from 7:30AM-6PM. I KNOW! LONG DAY! I am missing her a bit, but also enjoying the quiet and alone time with my sweet Ms. K. That's all for now!

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